Designer Touch Texturizing Relaxer
Our Texturizing Relaxer gently removes the proper amount of natural curl from the hair.
Its oil release system secretes a protective oil coating onto the scalp that ensures your client`s comfort during the processing.
Leaves hair with body and fullness. Available in Mild, Regular, and Super Strengths
Put on protective gloves.
Apply texturizing Relaxer to nape or most resistant area using fingers or back of rattail comb.
Do not apply directly to scalp.
Continue up toward forehead parting in thin sections.
Complete side sections leaving hairline for last. After first application, go back to area where relaxer was applied first! Check and reapply where necessary.
Most hair required 15-25 minutes, relaxing time. An additional 5 minutes may be better for resistant hair.
Do not exceed 30 minutes total relaxing time. Rinse thoroughly with warm water until hair is totally free of all relaxer.
Keep rinse water away from eyes. Next use designer touch post perm treatment (ppt) as directed.
Then Shampoo with Designer Touch Conditioning Neutralizing shampoo with Color Alarm